Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work
or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by
incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement.
All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript,
printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition.
Editors of all Merit Research Journals take a very serious view
of any evidence of plagiarism including self-plagiarism in
manuscripts submitted to them. Every reasonable effort will be
made to investigate any allegations of plagiarism brought to
their attention, as well as instances that come up during the
peer review process. Such behaviour when proven beyond doubt is
unacceptable, and will be suitably exposed.
In those instances where in spite of these precautions a case of
plagiarism goes undetected in the review process and is
discovered after publication, MRJ will carry a notice of the
discovery. Depending on the seriousness of the case, MRJ
reserves the right to inform the heads of the offending authors’
institutions and their funding agencies about the editors’
Plagiarism Detection
Plagiarism detection is the process of locating instances of
plagiarism within a work or document. The widespread use of
computers and the advent of the Internet have made it easier to
plagiarize the work of others. Most cases of plagiarism are
found in academia, where documents are typically essays or
reports. However, plagiarism can be found in virtually any
field, including scientific papers, art designs, and source
MRJ has facilities that allow vast collections of documents to
be compared to each other, making successful detection much more
likely. MRJ also utilizes internet search engine to look for
certain keywords or key sentences from a suspected document on
the World Wide Web.